AWM provides consulting and services to automotive suppliers
and their sub-suppliers. We deliver efficient solutions to evaluate and reduce
your warranty costs while focusing on customer satisfaction across the value chain.
Our competences
Our team has many years of experience in project management, warranty management and claim management between the vehicle manufacturers and their system suppliers in Europe. Based on open communication and efficient analysis, we identify potential root causes of your warranty cost. We help defining and implementing warranty management strategies and we propose solutions according to specific customer requirements.
Guiding problem solving teams, support in liability negotiations. Expert knowledge in data analytics, OEM recovery processes, early warning and No-Trouble-Found investigations.
As experienced business partner of, we support your team with integrating innovative Ubiquiti software solutions and software user trainings.
Stephan Rubel
Managing Director
(Stephan Jegl until 2017, Founder of AWM in 2008)
Languages: German, French, English, Italian, Spanish
Master of Mechanical Engineering, RWTH Aachen
20 years of experience as program and warranty manager with global responsibilities at several automotive system suppliers in France and Germany. Interacting with automotive supplier associations such as ZVEI, OESA, CLEPA, VDA and FIEV.
Jeong Lan Lee
Managing Director
Master of Law (L.L.M.), University in Seoul and Trier
Languages: Korean, German, English
Email: contact (at)